Recently, I had the chance to connect with Dr. Lauren Golden – a prenatal chiropractor in Charlotte, NC. She owns and operates Golden Family Chiropractic in the Steele Creek area and specializes specifically on women’s care, newborn and children. MIND BLOWING.
I don’t know about you, but I had no idea that babies could get adjusted. Yup. You read that correctly. Newborn babies and children can see a chiropractor and be adjusted. In fact, it’s recommended to ensure their little bodies get the best possible start after going through the trauma of birth.
I’ve been seeing more and more information emerge about pregnancy and the benefits an expecting mom can gain from regular visits to a chiropractor and decided to ask a professional.
Dr. Lauren so graciously answered my burning questions:
Why did you personally decide to focus on women’s care and prenatal chiropractic treatment?

Growing up as a little girl, working with moms and children was my passion. I was a nanny for years, taught dance classes and became a trained doula in chiropractic school. I have this love for empowering women and giving them the support that they deserve.
What are some benefits your clients get from regular visits and adjustments?
Decreased labor times, increased energy and improved sleep. Additionally, many report a decrease in morning sickness and less low back and pubic pain. Proper alignment helps re-establish normal physiological function that allows babies to find the best possible position for the birth process. These gentle adjustments can often be beneficial for women with breech babies.
Postpartum Benefits Many women experience more comfort during breastfeeding, greater production of breast milk, less incidence of postpartum disorders and have less neck and back pain.
Benefits for kids Children fall on playgrounds, look down at tablets for extended periods of time and carry heavy book-bags – causing a lot of stress to their growing spines. Some conditions that respond well to chiropractic include colic, torticollis, delayed milestones, digestive issues, poor immunity, ear infections, difficulty breastfeeding and trouble sleeping.
How soon after birth should a new mom see a chiropractor?
My recommendation is always when you are ready to visit, I am ready to see you. Preferably, I would like to see postpartum moms visit a prenatal chiropractor within 2-6 weeks of birth to help restore and maintain normal body function.
Can babies be adjusted? How soon after birth?

Yes! Babies can be adjusted and should be checked by a pediatric / prenatal chiropractor after birth. Adjustments for babies are incredibly gentle and use less force than checking the ripeness of an avocado.
Excessive force and delivery complications often create misalignment in the spinal column and can compromise nervous system function. Because neurological development occurs within the first year of life, we encourage getting your baby checked as soon as possible.
Can regular adjustments help speed up labor/make labor easier?
Yes. Getting regular adjustments help to properly align the pelvis to allow for a safer and more comfortable birth for both mom and baby.
How can mamas book an appointment with you?
Mamas can call us at 980-585-1001 and my awesome Chiropractic Assistant, Brooke, will be there to answer any and all questions they have. We also have an online scheduling system where they can visit our website, www.goldenfamilychiro.com and find a perfect time that works for them.
Dr. Golden’s practice is located at 13739 Steele Creek Rd, Charlotte, NC, 28273.
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