If you’re like most first time mamas – you have a million questions running through your head as you plan for the arrival of your newest family member. Among the list of questions, you might be wondering when is the best time to take maternity pictures? While there are no hard and fast rules, there are a few guidelines I like to implement to ensure you get the most out of your maternity photoshoot.

The Bump is the Star
When scheduling your maternity photography, it’s important that you have a nice, prominent bump. After all – that’s really what we want to showcase. I personally advise my expectant mamas to have their pregnancy pictures taken between 30 and 36 weeks. By then, most mamas have a nice round bump, but they haven’t quite reached the point of being uncomfortable. It also affords us enough time to get your gallery completed and have your ordering appointment before baby arrives.
The last thing you want to do is wait until the last minute to schedule a session – especially if you have your heart set on something outdoors. You just don’t know how you’re going to be feeling towards the end of your pregnancy.

The location could require a small hike that you weren’t prepared for, your photographer of choice could be completely booked, baby could come early and you miss out on the opportunity – there is a wide array of things that could happen to make this experience not go as expected.
If maternity portraits are something you absolutely want to have taken, book a photographer early to ensure scheduling in the ideal time block.
I’m Expecting Multiples
If you’re having more than one baby (yayyyy!) then I like to adjust this timeline a bit. Typically moms carrying more than one little will begin showing sooner and oftentimes, give birth earlier. If you’re expecting 2 or more babies, it’s my recommendation that you schedule your maternity photos between 28 and 32 weeks. Always remember to listen to your body. It will help you gauge timing on when to take maternity pictures for your family.
For basic information on what to expect from a maternity session with me, check out the maternity experience page first. If you still have questions – I’m available to chat! Feel free to reach out!
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