Let me start by saying the health, safety and well being of your family and tiny human is my highest priority – with the experience you receive being a close second. When it comes to clean up and studio sanitation in preparation for your session, it’s a process we don’t take lightly.
We are keeping the studio a safe place
Vigorous cleaning protocols are still in place to minimize exposure to any germs and/or viruses. Our newborn photography studio is home based, so we take extra precautions to keep both ours and your family safe. We disinfect our seating area after each session and wipe down all door knobs and frames, light switches, tables and hard surfaces frequently.

Because we provide everything needed to make your session run smoothly, it’s important to us that everything is clean and ready to go. We wash every backdrop and wrap in mild, organic, baby-safe detergent after use and carefully disinfect our handmade accessories. We sanitize every single prop after use.
What we’ve always done:
Disinfect hard surfaces and vacuum after sessions
Wash textiles
Wipe down props
Provide hand sanitizer and use frequently throughout session
Provide individual wrapped snacks and bottled/canned drinks
Since the pandemic:
Face mask worn at all times by photographer
Face mask worn by parents until photographed
No additional attendees at session (immediate family only)
Allow 24 hours between clients in studio
Temperature checks at the door

If you or someone in your household is feeling sick or visibly showing flu-like symptoms, please reach out via phone or email so that we can reschedule your session. If you come to your session and are visibly showing flu-like symptoms, you will be sent home and the session fee will be forfeited. No exceptions will be made.
We’re closely monitoring the situation with the coronavirus and the delta variant. As things progress and changes are made – booked clients will be notified. For up to date information, please visit the CDC website.
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